Sunday, July 29, 2007

Update #35

Nick had a great first week in rehab! He’s a real champ and working hard. He’s very driven and focused. And this ain’t easy stuff they’re putting him through.

He’s getting strength faster in his legs than in his arms. So they’ve been getting him in a walker to learn how to stand and walk again.

But his arms are also gaining strength. They’ve put him in a manual wheelchair and he can wheel himself down the length of one hallway before he gets too tired. Plus he’s feeding himself more and more!

He still has to eat soft food because his throat and mouth muscles aren’t fully functional yet. But he did get his pizza the other day!

Nick gives a thumbs up after his pizza!

Dwight and Lisa have noticed that his hearing and sight is more acute. He did great at a cognitive test and will be taking a grade-level test this week to see how much he’s retained.

Of course they’re back on the rotating schedule of someone with Nick at all times, so that brings its own set of stresses and such.

Last week Lisa told me that Nick wanted to see the Atkinsons. So we went in Thursday late afternoon. It was SO cool to see him. (The last time we saw him was just after they moved him to rehab from the hospital.) He’s come SO far! He was talking and laughing with us. It takes some work to understand him, but it was great to hear his voice.

The coolest part – and the fact which shows that Nick really is in there – is that he can still differentiate our twin boys, Jeremy and Joshua. (He’s one of the few people who can.) He still knew which was which. Just blew us away!

There’s a group of business people in East County of San Diego called the El Cajon Posse. They help out families with needs, and they’ve been awesome with the Brinkerhoffs! They’re putting air conditioning in the house, they donated money (along with other folks) toward the wheelchair van, and they’ll be putting ramps and wider doors in the house. (Of course, we hope those are ultimately unnecessary!)

And you can still help the family! Gift cards, gift cards, gift cards! Please either take them or mail them to the church:

Community Covenant Church
ATTN: Brinkerhoffs

1835 Granite Hills Dr

El Cajon CA 92019

(619) 447-2675



Vons/Safeway gift cards

Whole Foods (only available in stores)



7/11 (gas): You can buy a Convenience Card at a store and put any amount on it

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Update #34

From Lisa, Nick’s Mom, written last night:

Well, we had Nicholas home for 16 days, a much shorter time than we anticipated (we had hoped for the summer). When we first told him that he would be returning he did not want to go and then it changed to not wanting to sleep there, but the last couple of days he started counting down. He is determined to eat, walk and talk . Of course, he will also be learning all of the daily living skills needed.

Today he arrived at the hospital about 10 am and was evaluated throughout the day by all of the doctors and therapists. Speech was so impressed with his swallow that they allowed him mac -n cheese and peas for lunch (he never used to like peas:)) and spaghetti and green beans for dinner. For now his food is diced but he really does not care! They will continue to work with him on different foods and nothing could make him happier.

Everyone wants to know if we are happy about his progress. Of course we are, but at the same time we are still processing what has happened to our son over the past 13 weeks. We have gone from saying goodbye to our son, to each day being in awe as God continues to keep his promise to me and heal him. It is a strange place to be for me.

I am dealing with the loss of who Nicholas was before the stroke and praising God as he knits together a new creation right before my eyes.

I will be honest to share with you that for me it has been easier to be a part of Nick's journey, and to believe without ceasing, than to be a part of my own. You see, a week before he had the stroke my family was hit with another crisis. We were unable to even begin to process it when this happened. But God has a way of not letting things go and it must be faced. While I don't believe God did any of these things he did allow them and for some reason in this order. As I said, believing God for Nick's healing was never a question for me, but now my faith is being challenged in a way that I don't think I can stand up to. After all we have been through I should be able to walk through this desert and cling to my God without any doubts.

Pride gets in the way. How can I allow God access to certain parts of my life but not all? I am sharing this with you for a couple reasons. 1) In my 40 yrs. (isn't that how long they wandered the

desert?) I have learned that I must always be real 2) and so I humbly ask for prayer for me and my family 3) I also just want to encourage each of you in the work God has been doing in yourselves.

When you are in the middle of a crisis it can be easier to call out to God, but as the days pass and the crisis isn't so intense, we can get lazy and go back to our old ways.

May God continue to rehabilitate each of us no matter what our handicap might be.

Thank you to each of you, for the love and support you have so unexplainably shared with my family. I have been so negligent in proper thank you notes, but please know that we have cherished every prayer, card, meal, gift card, phone call, house cleaning and many other gifts. THANK YOU!


From me, Mike:

What an amazing spirit Lisa has. It reminds me of an article I read yesterday. It’s written by Tony Snow, the White House press spokesman, about his bout with cancer. Maybe you’ll be encouraged by his words in conjunction with Lisa’s:

Cancer's Unexpected Blessings: When you enter the Valley of the Shadow of Death, things change.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update #33

More great Nick news!

They had an appointment with the rehab doctor today and he was so impressed with Nick's progress, he’s bringing Nick back to the hospital for full time rehab starting Monday! So he'll live there full time for a few weeks, and then he’ll be allowed occasional home visits. This rehab program will probably last about three months.

The doc really wants to capitalize on Nick's growing control and strength. While his development has been in big leaps the last couple of weeks, it will most likely be more gradual now.

Here's a summary on Nick's progress since the last update:

  • they can see his strength returning, as he continues to roll around on his mats and doing some leg lifts and getting into a sort of push up position
  • he can better control his limb movement
  • his speech is getting clearer
  • he's eating more and more soft foods (soup, jello, ice cream, etc.) and is gaining weight
  • he's developed a great, dry sense of humor - this has been so encouraging to the family!
  • while he has some good mid- and long-term memory (like friend's phone numbers), he struggles with short-term (for instance, a little while after their appointment today, they asked how he thought it went and he answered, "What appointment?")

Since he can communicate so well, he's been asking what happened to him. He wants to know if he'll ever be normal again. So they've been able to process this tragedy with him.

Believing in miracles...praying for "normal"

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Update #32

Nick is now speaking in sentences! 6-9 words long!

He's able to repeat what's said to him as well. They are slow, slurred words, but they can understand him.

Plus, he's asking for food. For instance, he told Lisa, "I can handle pizza." (Ha! Is that a 13-year-old or what???) Of course, he can't handle pizza yet. His body would not react well at all to it. He's basically eating only pudding, applesauce, and ice cream.

He's continuing to make better connections with moving his body. For instance, he can better differentiate side to side movement.

His nurse said these progressions would come in bursts and to take advantage of them. So Lisa and Dwight are doing a lot of work with him.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Update #31

Nick has been home a few days now, and lots to report!

It's been a big adjustment for Lisa and Dwight, as Nick requires constant care that others use to do (in the hospital). That, along with the constant care needed by Connor, has been a juggling act. They feel like it'll take a couple weeks to adjust to it all.

After they got him home, they decided that Nick needed a place that he could move around on his own. So Dwight got a couple tumbling mats at a sporting goods store. They lay those in the living room and put him on them. At that point he can move and stretch and wiggle all he wants...which he does! And they can get down on the floor to work with him.

Plus, Nick has found his voice! He can speak the following words:

  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Hi
  • Bye
  • Nick

Is that cool, or what???!!!

He's also able to move his head, which means they can ask Yes/No questions and he can answer with his head movements! They feel like he is now fully cognitive.

Through those Yes/No questions, they've also determined that he can read fine. And he can add, subtract, multiply, and divide.


They're also trying to expand his taste buds. He's doing pretty good with a sucker.

To start rehab, he'll need to develop some stamina, which he doesn't have now.

They're currently looking at a van to accommodate a wheelchair, so they can get Nick around.

The family is so thankful for everyone’s support! They ask for continued prayer for strength and courage. Every now and then they can tell that Nick is struggling with all this. They're doing the best they can to comfort him, but it must be so hard.


Let's keep that constant stream of gift cards to the family for food and gas. I’ve listed the ones needed below. Please either take them or mail them to the church:

Community Covenant Church
ATTN: Brinkerhoffs
1835 Granite Hills Dr
El Cajon CA 92019

(619) 447-2675

Here are the main places they go:



  • Arco
  • 7/11 (gas): You can buy a Convenience Card at a store and put any amount on it

Friday, July 6, 2007

Update #30

Got an email from Nick's mom, Lisa, this morning. It's makin' for a very good day! Here you go:

Nick is smiling! (See photo below.) He is also making a kissing face. He's coming home today.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Update #29

Some big changes and news to share this time around…

They’re starting to see good progress in Nick at least every other day! Getting stronger, more control, etc. For instance:

  • He can now control both eyelids separately, which means he can wink
  • His right arm is getting stronger
  • He’s starting to control his left arm better, and his left hand is getting a stronger grip
  • He can curl the toes on each foot separately
  • He’s getting more movement in his legs

So the doctors have decided that they want to send Nick home. They’re encouraged by his progress and want it to continue so that he can return stronger to rehab a more active participant. The amount of time is a bit open ended, but they think it will be 1-2 months. Then he’ll start a rigorous, 3 hour a day rehab program.

Please pray for Nick that he doesn’t get discouraged, as he’ll need a lot more strength and stamina for that tough program. For now please pray for the family as bringing him home will bring a whole new set of challenges. If they need particular help, we’ll let you know.

Dwight and Lisa want to thank everyone for their prayers and support throughout. They are very touched.

I just happened to be listening to Alison Krauss’ song “In the Palm of Your Hand” as I was writing this update – here’s a relevant passage of the song:

I'd rather be in the palm of Your hand
Though rich or poor I may be
Faith can see right through the circumstance
Sees the forest in spite of the trees
Your grace provides for me


The Brinkerhoffs had some cool bracelets made up to help us remember Nick. They’re like the Live Strong bracelets, with Nick’s name, the date of the stroke, and the phrase “Believing in a Miracle.” If you attend CCC, you can get them at the What’s Up booth. If you don’t, you can mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope to CCC and we’ll mail one back to you. The bracelets are free! If you mail to request it, make sure to note how many you want, what color (black, red, or light olive green), and what size (medium or large):

Community Covenant Church
ATTN: Nick Bracelet

1835 Granite Hills Dr
El Cajon, CA 92019

