From Nick’s mom, Lisa:
"Triumph Over Tragedy" is the name of an up-and-coming band at my son and daughter's high school. I love that name. Those words float through my mind every once in awhile, which then leads me to think of all the blessings that have come from Nick's stroke. I hesitate to say that because not everyone feels that way right now, but that has been the leading of my heart through all of this.
Nick loves planes. On November 17th, Nicholas participated in Challenge Air. It was awesome! Kids with physical challenges take a half-hour flight class and then volunteer pilots take them up (with 2 family members) to fly over San Diego for 1/2 an hour. Nick was given the controls for 15 minutes of the flight! The goal of this day is to give kids the vision of going beyond their wheel chairs and seeing that the sky is the limit.
We have mentioned some alternative therapy for Nick, well on November 20th he started receiving 90 minute treatments at the Hyperbaric Center. A group called Gracie’s Hope gave Nick a grant for 100 treatments! He goes 5 days a week. They have great hope for Nicholas.
The other day we were at the mall and out of nowhere an arm was wrapped around my shoulder. The person was in my "blind spot" so I couldn’t see who it was. I just felt this "big embrace." It turned out to be someone we have been in scouting with for many years who stopped to say, "You have been in our thoughts and prayers." As I went to sleep that night, I could still feel her "big embrace" (and she's tiny). It felt like a hug from God!
This reminded me of how important touch is to us. While Nick was in his coma, I would give him a head-to-toe massage twice a day (healing touch). And as I did this I would have worship music playing in the background (trying to touch his soul), and I would talk to him about past events and of the future (trying to touch his mind and heart). There were very few moments when we weren't trying to touch him.
A friend shared with me that her dad , who has dementia, loves to have his head stroked (touched).
There were many who believed and touched Jesus' clothes and were healed (Matt. 9:21, Matt. 14:36). Jesus welcomed the children to touch him (Lk.18:15). And he invited his disciples to touch him after his resurrection (Lk. 24:39). But it is with Thomas that I see myself at times - he couldn't believe until he touched the wounds of Jesus (Jn. 20:25). God knows how kinesthetic we are - he knows we have got to be all over it! Not all people "just believe" - some of us have to touch Him - over and over before we get it. He is Real. He is here.
And we need to keep touching one another in many ways.
Blessings, Lisa

WOW!!!! Lisa, with tears in my eyes, all I can say is thank you.
Dear Lisa,
I haven't left a note in a while, but you, and Nick, and your family, are still in my prayers. Nick looks wonderful! I still believe that God's plan for Nick includes complete physical healing. But His most perfect gift to all of you, and to all who have been praying for you, is His perfect love, that is reflected in your family. People you won't know until you get to heaven, like me, for instance, have been graced by God's awesome love, as we have prayed, pleaded, and watched Nick's story unfold. Thank you, Lisa, for allowing us to be blessed. I will continue to pray, until this burden lifts, knowing all the while, that God's love never fails.
Your sister in Christ,
Charla Marbut
Fellowship of the Metroplex
Arlington, Texas
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