The prayer service tonight was amazing. Over 90 folks of all ages, and covering so many areas of Nick's life...gathering in one heart and mind believing together for Nick's full recovery!
Here are some photos...(you can click on each photo to see a larger image):

John Houston opens in prayer

The CCC youth group attended

Dan & Janet led in praise songs

Students read Scripture requested by the family

People could pray (aloud or silently)
then add a flower to a growing bouquet.
Nick's dad, Dwight, pauses in front of the display.

Clay prays

Nick's friend adds a flower

Nick's grandpa and cousin tie knots on Nick's prayer quilt

Folks from Nick's school

Nick's brother DJ

Nick's sister Amanda

More of Nick's friends

Passionate prayer offered up

The last scripture is read...the armor of God!

Closing in prayer

A sweet fragrance to the Lord

Nick's prayer quilt, made by CCC's Robin Macy

My boys go to lfcs and although I don't know Nick personally, but I've seen his face. Our family went through a bad time back in 1988 at children's so this is bringing back a lot of memories. Our situation didn't turn out how we wanted, but God is in control and He knows what's best.
I just want to share a few things. I am praying for Nick. I also know who the drs. at children’s flux between hope and no hope, they need to prepare you for the worst just in case. BUT you as parents can have hope and don't need to cling to medical fact. You have an Amazing God who can do anything. Timing isn't one of God's priorities as we all know, His time is not our time which can be a
“faith frustrator”. I've experienced through the years this many times, but the one thing our family hasn't done is let go of Jesus. That's the only advice I can give. Hold on to Jesus so tight that your knuckles turn white and your finger get numb.
I know you’re mentally and physically drained and you’re functioning on sheer adrenaline, but if you get a moment read in Psalms, I found them very helpful, to see how David is frustrated with God and the in the next sentence he’s praising God. It showed me that we can feel this frustration and still realize God is still with us. Plus for Nick try getting him a portable CD player with his favorite music for him to listen to, this will help filter out all the bleeps & blips from the ICU, and if he enjoys Christian music it can calm and encourage him too. This worked for us.
About your neurologist, he sounds like Dr. Lewis; he's my daughter’s neuro. If it’s him he's a good Dr. he won't pussyfoot around the facts. That doesn't mean God can't change the facts. I like Drs. who are straight to the point then you know what to pray for. Dr. Bradley if he's still there is that way too.
Hold on to Jesus, you'll be amazed at the strength He'll give you and your family during this time. It's a hard fight and you'll get weary but your church & family & friends will be a source of comfort & strength to you, take it, they are there for you because they love you.
God Bless You & Yours with His abundant never-ending love & mercy, Jo Ann
Hi Nick! Idk why but i feel kind of like you can here me or anyone that sends a comment or just acts as if you were right there with them. You wouldn't believe how many people miss you and are praying for you. Some don't evan know you! Come home soon!
Wazzup Nick? Once you come out you can see how many people care about you and your well being!!! We are finishing up STAR testing over at L.F.C.S. and we have had some pretty hillarious moments in the classrooms! See ya soon! Keep on being Phenomonel!
~Mike D
OMG NICK!! i cant beleive i missed it!! i miss u so much!! i can't wait till you come back and when miss fruend comes and gives u your card i hope you like it! i love ya!! lol not like that bye
Love always,
I wish we could have attended this beautiful prayer service for Nick and his family. Please know that you are all embraced in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that through our prayers you feel all the love and support that are reaching out to you from all your cousins.
Love, All of the Kenny's
Dear Dwight, Lisa and Family,
My heart goes out to you every day keeping all of you in my prayers. You are very strong people and I know it is your faith that is carrying you through such a difficult time. The love of family and friends surrounds you every day.
Love and prayers, Aunt Bev
Hey Nick, We miss you so much Youth Group is different without you there. Here is one of my favorite Bible verses:
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.
Isaiah 40:31, NLT
... So many people have been praying for you to get well... So please come home soon we miss you!
I don't know Nick personally, but I am friends with Amanda and everyday she amazes me with how strong she is. She is a wonderful and very inspiring reflection of the family. I know Nick will pull through this. Hang in there guys!
WAZZZZ UP NICK!! School is soooooooooooo different without u! we all want to see you and i can't wait till you come back!!
love always,
Dear Brinkerhoffs - The Taylor family from Boy Scouts, Jordan and Jonathan and mom Susan pray for you every day. Our church is also making a quilt for you - we will probably tie it on Memorial Day weekend. I pray that you all feel God's embrace around everyone's shoulders. We pray for strength and healing. With love.
i love you
What an amazingg time of prayer. i wish we didn't live so far away cause I would have loved to be there. Tell the Brinkerhoffs that my family sends their love and prayers. Our whole church is praying for all of them.
Love in Christ,
Chelsie Balli
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