Update as of 6 am Monday:
Over the weekend the new white blood cells (these fight infection) went down to 0 but came back up to 300 yesterday - this is still low. The lower left lung collapsed but is trying to recover with lots of "lung therapy."
Today is day 25 and he still not responding.
My heart just wants to say to those that may not believe in God or are just not sure, this is not a litmus test to whether or not God is real! No matter what the outcome God's Word is True! And we are called to have faith in the good times and awful times of life. I know that this journey is stretching many - that's great - let God turn you into a Stretch Armstrong! Please do not grow tired of praying.

One of Nick's nurses has nicknamed him" the Tortoise" from the Tortoise and the Hare - "slow but steady wins the race!"
While at the hospital we have met Richard and Cynthia. They have a little boy (11 yrs.) named Christopher who suffered a brain trauma when he fell off his skateboard. Christopher was in a coma over a month but he did wake up. He was able to answer questions by blinking and was even able to talk. He was making great progress.
On Thursday, May 24, 2007 he had a stroke and on Friday, May 25,2007, he passed away.
Richard and Cynthia have been a source of encouragement to us as we have been here with Nicholas. Our family is asking that any help you were giving to us, please send it their way to help with the cost of the memorial.
Here is Christopher's blog
God Bless,
The Brinkerhoff Family
omg i know you do a lot better!! i miss you sooo mch!!!! loves yas
I read about Bob Woodruff today (the news anchor who was in Iraq and suffered a TBI)and thought of you, Nick. We all know that, like the outcome or not, God IS on the throne! I am claiming and praying, however, that like Bob Woodruff, you are sitting up in bed one day soon --and when your family walks into the room you say "Mom, Dad...where have you been?"
Nick i and everone at school miss you so much. we are praing for you everyday and we love you some much
your such a great friend and a great kid and everytime i see you at school you alway have a smile on your face.
i am glad that you are getting better ady by day. lets hope you talk respond my talking soon.
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