Thursday, May 24, 2007

Update #19

Nick opened his eyes today! He couldn’t follow commands, though, but he was blinking and attempting to move them himself. Stay tuned.

They have not taken him fully off the ventilator. When they try, his breathing stresses too much. They’ll continue to monitor that.

His white blood count is low again and they’re not sure why. They’re working to bring it back up. (When it’s low, the prospect of infection is very high.)


Anonymous said...

NICK! This news is so great! You are definitaly on the road to recovery!

Anonymous said...

HURRAH!!!! I'm so excited!!! I love you cousin and I pray for you everyday. Keep up the fight, your doing great!

Terri Linman said...

Praise the Lord! This is good news. Hang in there, Nick and family. There are so many praying for you and your healing process. Love, The Linman's

Anonymous said...

WOW!!That is sooo awesome!!Glad to hear!!Get well soon!